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Primary Marking Systems’ eSAFE™ solutions are consistent with the quality assurance requirements for laboratories utilizing the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) to ensure the quality and integrity of the data generated by the laboratory. Our solution works with smart mobile technologies to connect all critical evidentiary components in a centralized web-based database that documents and maintains the chain of custody in electronic format, including electronic signatures or initials of each individual receiving or transferring the evidence, the corresponding date for each transfer, and the evidentiary item transferred.

Nationally there have been as many as 400,000 sexual assault kits going untested. This demonstrates how difficult it is for state leaders to manage and track sexual assault forensic evidence kits and related evidentiary components, not to mention the added complexity of tracking DNA evidence. The eSAFE™ solution offers stakeholders and victims constant access to evidentiary information and the ability to monitor its progress through the system, thereby avoiding additional trauma to survivors.

Primary Marking System's 25 years of tracking experience means peace of mind through improved security of personal health data.

Primary Marking Systems’ eSAFE™ solutions are consistent with the quality assurance requirements for laboratories utilizing the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) to ensure the quality and integrity of the data generated by the laboratory. Our solution works with smart mobile technologies to connect all important evidentiary components in a centralized web-based database that documents and maintains the chain of custody in electronic format, including electronic signatures or initials of each individual receiving or transferring the evidence, the corresponding date for each transfer, and the evidentiary item transferred.

Using eSAFE™ makes it easy for law enforcement, prosecutors, court administrators, healthcare providers, survivors, and advocates to share information about a sexual assault kit and all its related components.


When an exam occurs, a nurse can use a hand-held computer or tablet and printer to create a unique identifier that the survivor can use to track the kit and evidence throughout the entire process. With this identifier, all evidence from the kit, including clothing bags and blood samples sent to separate labs, can be easily traced and connected to the eSAFE kit in the courtroom.


Web-based software for use in database management of sexual assault kits and other evidence

Offer survivors the gold standard. Our multiple patents and 25 years of tracking expertise will assure victims and their advocates that you care.

With eSAFE™ you can rest easy knowing things are done right. Call us today for more information at 888-261-9178.